Simon Jones
Learning Disability Consultant Nurse
Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust.
I have over 25 years clinical experience working with people with a Learning Disability. I started my career as a Support Worker, qualified as a Nurse in 1999 and worked in Residential care, Respite and then I worked as a community nurse in Somerset. I then moved to the independent sector and for 10 years was the clinical lead for 3 companies before returning to the NHS in Oxfordshire.
I have two honours degrees in Applied Behavioural Analysis and Community Nursing. I also have a Master’s degree from Kent University (Tizard Centre) in Learning Disabilities and Autism. I have always found that academic study has enabled my clinical practice to be evidence based and current and would encourage everyone to do likewise.
I am also a Fellow at the National Institute of Health & Care Excellence (NICE), I’m a Queens Nurse, and also a British Institute of Learning Disabilities consultant and trainer. I have developed and teach two Masters modules at Oxford Brookes, one on “Positive Behavioural Support” and one on “Understanding Autism” Masters Module.. Previously, I was chair of the Royal College of Nursing Learning Disabilities Nursing Forum. It is an honour to be learning disability nurse.
Rebecca Chester MBE
Consultant Nurse for people with learning disabilities - Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (BHFT)
Chair United Kingdom Learning Disability Consultant Nurse Network (UKLDCNN)
Clinical Advisor for development of learning disability and Autism Advanced Practice Credential – Health Education England (HEE)
Hello, I’m Becky. I qualified as a learning disability nurse and social worker in 2000. Since then I have mostly worked in community learning disability teams for people with learning disabilities as a learning disability nurse, but I’ve also spent some time working in child and adolescent mental health services. As part of my career development I undertook a Consultant Trainee Programme where I was able to experience working in a wide range of learning disability, mental health and acute trust services. To expand my knowledge and expertise I have completed an MSc in Mental Health in Learning Disabilities. I found my MSc absolutely fascinating and would recommend further study if you have the opportunity. I have also completed a Post Graduate Diploma in Research and PGCERT in Academic Practice. As well as clinical practice I have worked for the University of Hertfordshire as a Lecturer Practitioner. If I could offer one piece of advice to aspiring learning disability nurses, it would be to take opportunities that come your way, but in doing so ensure that you equip yourself well by listening to, working with and learning from others, particularly people who use the services that you are working in, as everything we do as a learning disability nurse is for the person.